Unreal Tournament - Pentium III 550E (cont)

The KYRO actually proves to be a good performer in Unreal Tournament despite its driver limitations and lowered clock speeds. KYRO is actually able to keep up with top speed UT cards, such as the the ATI Rage Fury MAXX. This is most likely due to the nature of the game. Since Unreal uses textures very heavily, the KYRO is actually able to gain performance by not having to write textures to the parts that are not seen. By doing this, and decreasing the amount of traffic in the memory bus, KYRO is able to maintain a good speed in Unreal Tournament.


Even at 1280x1024x32, the KYRO is able to maintain its rank on top of the pack, performing faster than any other video card tested to date. When in 16-bit color mode, the card is slowed down by its internal true color system.

The KYRO would not complete any benchmarks when at 1600x1200x16, the highest resolution that Unreal Tournament will go, due to our early alpha drivers

Unreal Tournament: Pentium III 550E Unreal Tournament: Athlon 750
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