AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta2 Drivers Now Available
by Ryan Smith on October 1, 2013 12:00 AM EST
With the highly anticipated Battlefield 4 beta test kicking off today, AMD has pushed out their own driver update to coincide with the release of DICE’s multiplayer shooter.
Catalyst 13.10 Beta2 is the latest iteration on AMD’s current driver branch (13.200), started back with the Catalyst 13.8 betas. New to this version along with profiles and fixes for Battlefield 4 are profile updates for Total War: Rome II, Saints Row 4, and a few other games. AMD’s release note also make mention of “AMD CrossFire frame pacing improvements for CPU-bound applications” though they do not specify what those games are.
On the bug fix side of matters, 13.10 Beta2 fixes outstanding issues with Autodesk Inventor 2014, and some black screen sleep issues with AMD’s Enduro technology.
As always, you can pick up the drivers over at AMD’s support website.
Source: Blue's News
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Elixer - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
These don't support Vista either.I guess it is true, AMD dropped Vista support. :(
prasanth - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
I don't want to sound like a jerk, but... Vista??just4U - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
Vista "was" a excellent OS when paired with decent hardware and updated... which is likely why so many like Windows 7. It is after all based upon Vista. I am assuming (graphic wise) some really like it on plasma's due to the active desktop feature that was removed in Win7. Also .. if you own a legit copy.. sure why the hell not use it? I've got a retail copy of it on one of my machines.The main reason people didn't like it was because they were to used to windows xp. Not talking the tech savvy ones but the masses. Computer use gained wide scale appeal across the spectrum during XP.. so you had your Klingons on a larger scale than what was seen with Win 95/98 and 2000.
It wasn't the masses fault either.. but Microsofts. Bit different with Win8 though as they naturally expected their legion (am I saying that right?) of desktop users to adapt to their new vision which included their bastard step sons Tablet/Phone users. Sad thing is it didn't quite play out as they had hoped, which is why Win8 is failing.
Hicks12 - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
Vista was good just that it was a major change from xp especially in regards to resource requirement... Vista was brilliant for the fact it helped 64bit get picked up by the masses and manufacturers were forced to rewrite drivers which was initially one of the worst issues but as soon as they got their arses in gear it was good... It provided an extremely solid base for the refinedwindows 7 to swoop in :).However I don't understand why you feel you need these latest drivers? Microsoft has already ended mainstream support for vista so expecting others to continue supporting a dead platform is rather optimistic, you should have good enough performance with the latest drivers available to you really :P.
just4U - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
You'd think so .. but not always the case. I have huge problems with legacy drivers.. and well hell there's no support for them any more so their kinda sol.just4U - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
err (lol..) I should have been "some" although I to recently ran into a issue with a 4800 series card and good old vista which is surprising because I recall that OS running extremely well with those cards.3DVagabond - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
The reason Vista wasn't popular is nobody asked for it. Everyone was happy with XP. If anything people wanted less bloat and Vista gave us more.That said, these are betas. Let's wait and see if there's no Vista support on the next WHQL release.
marc1000 - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
yep, Vista was not popular because it was too different from the previous version. it was much more similar to server versions of windows, and I liked it exactly because of that trait. Unfortunately MS stopped adding features to it in order to promote Windows 7, even if both have the same "core". now the changes became too big to ignore, unfortunately Vista really is dead.And I believe Vista the last complete "re-write" of code that MS did lately. In fact if you look at system-level drivers, you will see that most of them are from year 2006. Just open Device Manager, choose a component and see the driver: if it was made by Microsoft, it probably is from year 2006 - the year before Vista was released. This is true even on Windows 8 - the UI may be brand new, but some of the gears behind the curtains are from Vista.
1Angelreloaded - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
I agree about Win 8 but I believe the next iteration will solve all the problems Microsoft developed this Tick Tock solution to quell people hatred of moving to new things, Millenium-XP, Vista-7, seems like the initial releases they plan on bombing while introducing new features. I read a long time ago with 7 Microsoft wanted to officially kill 32 bit support and make the jump to 64bit, 128bit versions, but they came to the conclusion it was way 2 early for the adoption, I can see processors making that jump first before the OS otherwise we would have to buy Procs in pairs similar to server solutions, but with the Ghz to core rate I actually think dual sockets might be the next step unless Intel or AMD innovates again instead of marginal upgrades.just4U - Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - link
prasanth writes: "The main reason people didn't like Vista was because it just sucked. Plain and simple."---------------
I don't see how anyone who happens to be tech savvy or a computer enthusiast could say that about Vista unless they hadn't really used it. It was far and away better than WinXP. Certainly it had problems early on with drivers.. and older systems didn't always take to it quite so well but the same problems existed for previous incarnations of Windows as well.